High Quality
Addiction Treatment

A New Experience in Treatment


Programs Dedicated to Individualized Care

inpatient detox

A medical detox program with leading protocols designed to keep you safe and comfortable.

residential rehab

A lifechanging experience with dual-diagnosis therapy programs aimed at healing underlying causes of addiction like depression, anxiety, and trauma.


Outpatient therapy, sober living, and alumni programs to support recovery from start to finish.

Why Atlas Healthcare?

Atlas Healthcare is partnered with the best treatment centers across the country. And we only work with treatment centers that provide the care we would want our very own loved ones to have.

No two persons are alike, and neither are their situations. We promise a truly customized experience with our treatment programs that target co-occurring disorders and treat the root cause of addiction and mental illness.

We know there are multiple paths to healing, and we’ll recommend the best programs depending on your situation and preferences to ensure a strong foundation for recovery.

Top Rated Amenities

At all of our facilities

Alumni Testimonials

Verify Your Insurance Coverage

Your Health Insurance Can Pay For Treatment

Most Providers Accepted. Verification is obligation-free.

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+ More

No Medicaid or Medicare.

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DHCS Liscense #  191127AP

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